Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Obama and Iran Share Hostages for Mutual Ends

While Boehner and McConnell Continue to Play With Themselves.

This was too important to tack onto an older post as an update.

So, do you want to know how to spot a nasty political whore? See who votes to support Obama's efforts to get a nuke for Iran. For the truly slow, that has been the point of all the phony negotiations. The idea was to slow-walk this thing, to thwart Congress and Israel and make sure the religious nut bags in Iran were close enough to obtaining a nuclear weapon that the theater could be abandoned and a "deal" inked.

With the announcement of the "agreement" that Iran won't honor beyond tomorrow morning we got a surprise. Barry Obama, front man for the Iranian-born Valerie Jarrett, agreed to not only lift sanctions associated with the nuke talks, but to also lift the long-existing arms embargo against the Iran. That makes sense. He is more considerate of Iran's military than he is of ours.

Here's Obama's Ace in the Hole.

Everyone was mystified that throughout "negotiations", or even before, that Barry didn't insist that the religious nut bags release all Americans being held in Iran. But that too, was never a goal of the administration.  And again, they were not real negotiations.

The idea was to arrive at this point and send a bogus agreement for Congress to chew on. In short order, as opposition builds, Obama will announce that congressional support of the nuke deal is the only hope of ever getting the Americans out of Iran. This will happen despite the fact that you now know it, that this post is out there and that the whole world will see the naked support and allegiance Obama holds to Iran.

Jarret/Obama need to keep those Americans on ice in Evin prison to ensure they could collect up enough swanky political whores to, at least, get this "agreement" past a veto.

My new book is available here.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

An excerpt from "Republican Relaunch" (tentative title)

Did you know the EPA packs heat? Oh, yeah. Nice stuff, too.  SIG Sauer; stainless steel, no less. I own five weapons. I can’t afford stainless steel.[1]


The EPA is a policy arm of the government. What jackass gave them police authority? How can it possibly be justified?

Let’s suppose the EPA decided the drainage ditch in your backyard was a protected navigable waterway. I’m not half kidding on this one, they do this kind of monkey shit all the time. Once established, they can site you for any one of dozens of things you might do to or near this waterway. Let’s suppose further that you build a 10’ x 12’ storage shed you bought at Lowe’s and plop it near this critical body of H2O. Should Big Brother find out about this, and find regulation against it, the fun would begin.

You would be cited, of course, and told to get the offending shed away from the drainage ditch. If you refuse, then the fines and arrests come into play. There was a time when the EPA would have to notify the Justice Department to assist in assaulting your property and tearing down your shed and dragging you into court. Now it seems they have the guns and police powers to do it themselves. Brilliant. What a time saver!

Along with police powers, these people now have to power to make laws. They say they are just expounding on proper law, debated and legislated. But as we have seen, through new “regulations” supported nowhere in existing law, they are dictating law. We also know they have the blessing of an authoritarian regime to do it. “I can’t wait for Congress…” and all that jazz.

One of my favorites is that CO2 is now, by totalitarian fiat, a pollutant; a toxin; fucking poison! Who knew?

I was shocked to hear this. I immediately wrote my congressman (He’s the good one. It’s all the others that are ass hats.) and demanded that a warrant be sworn out on every single American.  I have it on good faith that several times a minute every single one of these damnable Americans is spewing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. And they do it all day long, even at night when they sleep.  They have absolutely no regard for their planet. Bastards!

It should be easy to catch them. The NSA has all their phone and computer records. They can pull every phone conversation they are having, find out their movements, who they are talking to, and arrest them.

Taking it an important step further, do you have any idea how many tons of CO2 is being expelled by 9 billion people everyday? Oh yeah! The whole world is doing it. The trees have absorbed so much of the poison they’re turning green!

We can’t arrest the whole world. So Valerie Jarrett should order Barry to bomb every last one of them into dust. And he can start with those Lithuanians. Thick as thieves, those Lithuanians.

The only thing more stupid than the last four paragraphs is the CO2 declaration it is making fun of.

But I’ll tell you something even more stupid and truly frightening. The person now at the head of an organization with fiat power and guns is a liberal, environmentalist doctrinaire, and a propagandist and GW/CC alarmist of the first order and totally beneath our trust.[2] I speak of Gina McCarthy, EPA Administrator.

Reduce the EPA to a monitoring group and give them four initials.[3] All the states have their own version of the EPA.  Many simply lift environmental law directly from the federal government and make it their own. Call the new activity something like Environmental Policy Monitoring Group (EPMG), responsible to the states for assisting them in maintaining a safe clean environment and settling environmental disputes among the states.

But for Christ’s sake, take away their police power, rescind all of their fiat pronouncements of the last 7 years and take away their GUNS! Nobody wants some sunken-chested Occupy Wall Street type carrying a gun.  He’ll probably just shoot himself in the foot – or someone else’s foot.

[1] 10--U.S. EPA Firearms Purchase - SIG Sauer P229 22 Aug 2011
[2] EPA Chief: ‘Climate Deniers’ Aren’t Normal Human Beings -Michael Bastasch – Daily Caller, 23 June 15

[3]People outside the beltway probably won’t know this, but federal activities are always trying to find ways to justify three-letter acronyms for their little empires.  The NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY (NIMA) got a boost in prestige when it became the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA). I remembering thinking that very thing when driving by their headquarters shortly after the change; “Well, they’re moving up in the world.”

Thursday, July 2, 2015

My New Campaign!

My New Banner

This is the symbol I am using for my Be Kind To Social Whiners campaign.  Like it?  It's rather flashy I admit. But I wanted to draw special attention to the plight of those who feel the need to whine incessantly.  It must be such a headache to be them.

It is fortuitous the I happened to choose this banner, because whiners and pisspots all over the country are blowing aneurisms right now over an image very similar to this one.

As it turns out, there are people in this country who have used that symbol in honor of soldiers who fought and died for the Confederacy during a war that took place only three generations ago. (Yes, it's been only three. Two of my great, great grandfather fought for the Union. I'm a Philly boy.)

Sadly, they are now told that no matter who their relatives are, or what warriors they admire, they can no longer use this symbol in their honor.

There are others who have walked under this other banner to show that they are mouth-breathing racists.  These Billybobs would say the stupidest things.  They were intentionally hurtful in the things they said. It was almost as bad as listening to a Malik Shabazz speech. Fortunately for the scutmouth Malik, he has the freedom to say the things he says; First Amendment and all.

Not so for the Civil War buffs and the Billybobs.  They have been told they must stop using their symbol.  There is pressure on Gettysburg to help us un-write history by getting rid of that flag. That must be in honor of George Orwell.  TV networks are trying to get us to un-remember hit shows that had that same symbol painted on a car.  There are certain TV shows I'd like to un-remember, but it's more than passing strange that we are being told to, don't you think?

Anyway, it's all a weird coincidence that the two symbols are so similar. I don't anticipate any problem having MY symbol at the top of MY campaign. But in the event someone does take umbrage, I can only say that as far as I know, I have the right to express myself as I see fit in this country.  I hope that allays your concerns. If it doesn't and you feel the need to whine and cry about my symbol, then you can go F#%& yourself.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Just a Quick Update

In my upcoming book, I will explain why we want libs to harp on Trump and how we (conservatives) benefit!  Keep an eye out for the announcement.  Enjoy your update.

They'll Always Do Exactly as They Wish

Despite a law just passed by Congress, a judge has anointed himself as the Grand Ayatollah of the NSA and declared that the government can continue to collect all your phone and internet data. So my opening paragraph, here was correct.  I usually am.

Aren't You Glad We Gave Up Control of Domains?

China Has announced a new policy to make networks "controllable". These guys are almost as paranoid as our own government.

And look, they are even going to help ICANN in the event of an emergency! Those darn Chinese are so damn sweet, aren't they?

It's Not Like We're Going To Open an Embassy!!! Geez!

After establishing ties with his communist betters in Havana, and saying that we were not going to open an embassy in Cuba, Comrade Obama announced that we are opening an embassy in Cuba. An unidentified aparaticik in the US regime was heard to say, "Ooooh!  You meant that Cuba.  Well, then yeah…"

The Merchant Muhammad, Pieces of the Middle East Be Upon Him, Was Counting On Barry.

After blowing past three pretend deadlines while ensuring Iran can get a nuke, the White House is so confident of success that they only set the next phony deadline at one week.  Imams are already passing out the party hats and balloons. Jarrett front man, Obama, is hoping to go down in Islamic history as the guy who brung 'em the bomb. Congrats, Valerie and Barry, on doing whatever the fuck you want while McConnell and Boehner stand by and play with themselves!