If you believe the results of polls, early voting and paperless ballots, one must conclude that at least half of the people in this country love to be lied to.
Starting with an April 24, 2015 NYT article by award winning Clinton apologist Paul Krugman where he uses "alleged"a lot with the word "scandal". Further, Krugman concludes that there was never anything to the Clinton scandals of the 90s and 08 when BJ Bill's wife was lying her way through a failed WH run.
You'd think a guy as smart as Krugman thinks he is would remember that "alleged" is more associated with crimes or things to be proven, which could include events behind a scandal. But scandals are scandals. There is no such thing as an alleged scandal. They exist because people are talking about events surrounding a person or persons. In the case of the Clintons, they had lots and lots of scandals associated with them because they are scandalous people and the underlying allegations are almost always true.
The most famous, of course was the blue dress. It only surfaced because of the many women whose lives were ruined by the Clintons for speaking the truth about BJ Bill's dalliances, only one happened to have physical proof. Others had witnesses and corroborating evidence. Several ( completely disassociated) women described Bill's inadequate and somewhat odd appendage in identical terms. A few of those with no knowledge of the others existence spoke of the Clinton method of lip-biting and inept groping, along with a completely narcissistic departure, in almost carbon-copy likeness. Check with Hitchens on this point; no wide-eyed conservative, he. The lives of most of those women were destroyed by the Clinton machine and accomplices in the press.
But evidence and witnesses, naked character assassination; those things are complex. The lapdog press didn't want to get into all that. Neither did congress. They wanted so much for this thing to just go away. But Monica had the man juice on the dress! Well, damn. Now the press had to rewrite the whole narrative about how Bill was being picked on by a right-wing conspiracy to how you could only prove he did it once and she only gave him blow jobs so that's not so bad, is it?
I've been struck by how many people fans and detractors alike look at "I did not have sex with that woman" and "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is," and come away wide-eyed saying, "You gotta hand it to him, he (Clinton) is a genius at this game." More on that in a bit.
But there were other much worse, more complex "scandals" surrounding both Clinton and the woman who is, at least on paper, his wife. The female Clinton was not alleged to have 1200 illegally obtained FBI files in the White House residence. She had them. When she says herself that they were in her possession, it is no longer an allegation. The most serious thing that Chuck Colson went to jail for was being in possession of ONE FBI record. But one day (after years of behind-the-scenes negotiations with the FBI and promises made to key Justice department slugs) Bill's old lady looked down on her coffee table and exclaimed, "Oops, here they are, those silly FBI files!" And all was forgiven. It was all a silly mix up how those files went from the possession of the FBI to her house.
Not only did the press obediently let go off the story IMMEDIATELY, half of this country appreciated that their shrill and nasty queen lied to them so they could continue to act like they believed her and her husband. Not to do so may have tugged at too many threads, thus causing them to actually question their own beliefs. So yes, by all means, lie. Politicians should lie, the press should lie. It makes for a happier populace to just swallow the lies and bend our knees to our Royals.
Hilary has fleeced charity and civic groups for up to $200,000 for speaking fees. Now that's generosity in itself as her speeches read like elementary school book reports.
These are the creatures that control the Clinton Foundation and a number of shell companies that protect it. It is fun to watch the MSM apologize for this "charity" organization. They speak of the complexities involved with sending friends and political allies on around-the-world junkets to collect evidence to advance global warming propaganda. As if they couldn't bring those people in those parts of the world here for a "Clinton Initiative" wingding and get the "evidence" straight from the horse's mouth. Or better yet, video conference! It's no surprise that a foundation worth hundreds of millions growing has actually given away a few tens of millions. The rest has gone to washing cash back and forth between shell companies and keeping the Clintons in the lush comfort they have come to enjoy so much.
Anyway, the RICO trial starts in January. Such kindness warms the heart.
As to the genius of it all - there is none. They get away with this stuff because too many of us measure Clinton callousness against our own stupidity, making the naked lies appear to be brilliant. If a handful of people with position and balls wanted to, they could tear this diabolical duo to pieces in no time. What those people fear is what the Clinton machine mighty dig up on them.
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